Re:West/East End of London

 Posted on 3/26/1996 by Jms at B5 to AOL

What I'd said, and maybe I wasn't sufficiently clear, but my sense was that I
wasn't going to change it *prior to the first US airing.* I found out about
the mistake -- it was a typo, I knew the difference, I just became
momentarily stupid and wrote west when I meant to type east -- after the show
aired in the UK, and had a couple of months in which I could've chosen to
make the change. But I was concerned that the dub wouldn't have the same
power as the original performance, so I was willing to let it go until after
it aired, so it would've had that impact, then make the change later.
Happily, the loop came out *very* well, so it worked out.
