Re:JMS: Broken Limbs...

 Posted on 3/21/1996 by Jms at B5 to AOL

Oddly enough, Jerry's broken arm tied *beautifully* into something that had
happened in the course of the episode we were filming, so all it took was a
line or two to sell it.

The funny thing the very next episode after the incident, there was a
line in the script I'd written *weeks* earlier, and it freaked everybody
out...when Garibaldi asks someone to do something, and the person responds,
"What, you've got a broken arm or something?" At first some people thought
I'd put it in there to pink Jerry, but it'd been there the whole time.

Similarly, in the Claudia incident, there was a line (cut for time) where
Sheridan says talking to the Drazi is like trying to talk to your right
foot...and Ivanova replies "I'll have you know I have a sublime relationship
with my right foot." Yep, the next day...that's the foot she broke.

Just recently, I was trying to explain time travel to one of the actors. I
used the analogy, over lunch, "Suppose you finished eating your chicken here,
then got sick as a dog a few hours later, then got in a time machine to go
back in time and warn yourself not to eat the chicken." Well, a few hours
after that...the actor got sick as a dog from the chicken.

I have been asked, expressly, not to make any further mention of actors' body
parts in scripts....
