Re:Actors imput

 Posted on 3/10/1996 by Jms at B5 to AOL

This is a hard question to answer. When you create a character in your head,
you always hear them a certain way. Sometimes, when you bring in an actor,
you hear it a different way, and you have to adjust. Sometimes the actor
sounds just like what you had in mind (as with Jason Carter and Claudia).

For me, what's interesting is when an actor finds something in the text that
was there, that I didn't recognize even though I'd written it, and
illuminates a corner of the character. (And sometimes I discover I've
revealed more about myself than I'd intended in a scene, only finding this
out when I see the actor saying the words.)

Probably the biggest impact in B5 terms was in seeing the humor that Claudia
could bring to the part, and the vulnerability that Peter summoned up. The
scene in the pilot movie where Londo goes to Garibaldi and says, basically,
yes, I messed up, and yes, I'd do it again, showed a great depth of feeling,
of conflicting emotions that lifted that scene way beyond what was on the
page, and showed me that I could take Londo anywhere I wanted, and the actor
behind the character could and would take it all the way without ever
