The New Ratings Game

 Posted on 2/29/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Rebecca Eschliman <> asks:
> Do you see a ratings system as a minor annoyance, a major threat
> to the way you wish your novel to be told, an anathema, or
> irrelevant? On a totally different topic, will your publisher
> (who, please?) going to be promoting your scriptwriting book
> revision at the ABA convention in June?

I imagine that Writer's Digest'll be plugging the book in June,
but I don't have any objective info on that.

As for the rest...the V-chip will take at least 2 years to
begin showing up, this takes the time they get their act in
gear, B5 will have finished its run anyway, so the point will be moot.
My feeling is the same as ever: tell the story the way it should be
told, the heck with the rest.
