General questions

 Posted on 2/24/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

John Hardin <> asks:
> Haven't you setup a rather impossible scenerio if - as it appears
> - We will be saved/led from the Shadows (who appear to be far
> superior to most other races) by humans? is/was that a reference
> to Kosh (who was the focus of the pilot due to the assasination
> attempt) or to Morden (who was not IN the pilot but is/was later
> introduced in the first season) or to SOMEONE ELSE?

Exactly. The goal would seem to be impossible. So how do we
do it? Is there a vulnerability that's been laid out but not picked up
yet? Is there an advantage we don't necessarily see yet?

We have to be smarter. Humans are at our best when against the
wall. And we have to do it ourselves, in the final analysis, nobody
else can do it for us.
