Re:Fan Fiction

 Posted on 2/24/1996 by Jms at B5 to AOL

{You could create a file entitled, "NO JMS Allowed". That should cover the
legal stuff}

1) Simply saying "NO JMS" on a folder is not sufficient; I could still go
into any area to which I have been proven to have access. Having access to
the general area (AOL) access to the specific material is *automatically
assumed* in any court of law. Instant loss should someone post a story and
decide later that something we did was too close to their story.

2) I have asked, as a courtesy, for people to refrain from fan fiction until
the 5 year story is over. There are only 2 years remaining on this request.
ST fanfic was developed as a way to keep the characters alive while the show
was gone. There is no such need at this time.

3) If fanfic is posted to AOL, I will have to withdraw from AOL. That
simple. It's even worse than posting a story idea, it's a whole *story*. I
have no desire to scuttle another story, or a major part of an arc, to avoid
somebody thinking I swiped it.

4) Be advised that the names, situations and characters are all copyrighted
by Warner Bros., and if courtesy is not sufficient, any infringement of that
copyright by fanfiction will be conveyed to the legal eagles for action.

Don't do it. I *mean* it.
