JMS: Msgs from Earth

 Posted on 2/22/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

gopher <> asks:
> Is there something bigger than we might expect going on with the
> Minbari? Is this true?
> 3) Do Vorlon ships have the same (or similar) symbiotic deal?
> 4) We've seen the mini-shadow-ship-balls, but are there various
> sizes of big shadow ships? Can you help me feel better about this?

Well, they all could've died.

Neither situation relied on introducing new technology, only on
taking advantage of what's known currently. It's a simple equation:
ship A is more powerful than ship B. In a head-to-head situation, ship
A (shadow) will destroy ship B (white star). If you can't directly
confront a stronger enemy, you have to find some way to work around it,
outsmart it. (And fortunately, this one was flawed, "insane," as
Delenn put it.)

And the minbari know more than they're saying. But then that's
generally true of them.

And yes, the shadow ship arrived with a new "core" for the
buried ship.
