Good Grief - DS9

 Posted on 2/13/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

{original post had no questions}

Well, yes, Randy, I'm sure I responded exactly as you thought I
would. When one exhibits poor behavior in public, one will usually be
corrected. You came in here and, totally unprovoked, without any
message from me, without even a word from me in the thread, took a
cheap and untrue shot at me, and my behavior.

When one pokes the bear without *any* justification, except to
do it, well, I suppose it is only natural to expect some kind of
reaction. If I were to pour a pint of chocolate milk on someone's
floor, I could anticipate their reaction. But the problem would not be
in the reaction; the problem would be in the ill-mannered, senseless,
stupid and uwnarranted provocation.

Still, I take this as a sign of growth on your part that you
can now predict the kind of response your generally poor behavior
elicits. And, as usual, you just dive out of the way instead of
confronting the facts of your past behavior.

Which is exactly what *I* expected of *you*.

Symmetry is a wonderful thing, is it not?
