We do not expose incorrectly, or...

 Posted on 1/30/1996 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

We do not expose incorrectly, or inadequately. If anything the show is
lighter than it was in the first season. The element you point to, the slow-
motion drop of the detonator, took on a grainy look because it was slowed down
artificially, it wasn't shot at that speed, it was done in post. (Most of our
slow-mo is done in-camera; some isn't.)

CGI, direct to video or D1, is always going to look "cleaner" than film.
(Initially, on Space, they output their CG to film rather than
video...eventually they changed this because of the costs involved, which are
considerable) It's not that the film is grainier than it would be under other
circumstances; it's that the CG is cleaner than the norm.
