Sharon, don't you see what it is...

 Posted on 1/21/1996 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

Sharon, don't you see what it is you're saying? If one brings up
ComicCon, you say, "Well, they're bigger than we are, we can't do things the
same way they do;" if one brings up Westercon, you say, "Well, they're smaller
than we are, we can't do things the same way they do." I know this isn't your
intent, but it comes off as backing and filling, that nothing can ever be
done, no criticism can be made validly. And the discussion keeps being pushed
to extremes to bolster a failing point; if one says, they should be better
organized, you come back with the notion that they can't and shouldn't be run
like Creation Cons. Nowhere was that said. Must a con be run as a CC to be
run well? Of course not. So that makes the response seem very transparent,
as others have noted. There IS a middle ground. I just keep sensing a real
lack of interest in many (but not all) associated with WorldCons to *find*
that middle ground.
