Re: Big Bang URGENT from jms

 Posted on 8/18/1995 by to

Mike: the other thing that's so annoying in the note you critiqued,
the "wealthy actors" bit, is that in syndication in particular, ain't
NObody getting wealthy. Right across the board, the rates for actors,
writers and producers are roughly HALF what they are at the network
level. Whereas a network hour script gets about $25,000 or more, the
going rate for syndication is $14,000. Actors also have a very different
scale for syndication vs. network. (This is one of the inequities that
I think needs to be addressed in light of the growth of syndication; the
rates were originally given to help syndication get a leg up; well, it's
GOT its leg up...also the other leg, both arms and a head.)

(Which is why I also find it amusing when someone snipes at me for
the money I'm making on B5...I was making more as a lowly co-producer on
MURDER, SHE WROTE than I'm making NOW as Executive Producer of B5 on a
per-episode salary basis. But I left M,SW *anyway* to do this because,
frankly, it's more important to me than just about anything.)

We make this show for UNDER $1 million per episode, as compared to
DS9, which goes for $1.4 to $1.6 million per episode. And we put it all
on-screen. So believe me, ain't NObody getting rich off this show.


(Which is a long way of saying...I agree with you, you're right.)