JMS: Reflections at the Midpo

 Posted on 8/13/1995 by to

The overview still holds up pretty well, I think. Toward the end of
season two, I think things got just a *tad* too convoluted in places, so
that's being cleared up a bit, the dry brush trimmed back, the red herrings
cleared away, because we've got to start focusing on the real story, not
the misdirections. That's probably the one thing I'd go back and revise,
because in general, you can't just bring something up and walk away form
(from) it later; it's got to either fit, or be reasonably, logically
explained away. So some time has to be spent on that now. But that's
been done pretty effectively in this first batch of episodes, and now
we're down to really cranking on the shadow war.

In four more episodes (writing-wise), I'll be at the exact midpoint
in the story, which on one level is a little hard to believe; it's gont
(gone) by so fast. Seems like yesterday that we just got started. Which
is why the overview is very helpful; by constantly reminding me where we
should be, it doesn't let me get lost in the neverwhere of TV production.

All things considered...we've had some bumps on the ride, a detour
here and there, the occasional flat tire, but doggone it if the old
jalopy ain't still going exactly where it's supposed to go. Some days the
thing seems to have a mind of its own; I started writing #7 the other day,
and I'm well past halfway finished writing it, it's coming out almost as
though it already existed, and I've just managed to "tune into" it, like
the sculpter who knows that inside a block of wood is a horse, he just has
to start chopping and cutting until he finds and releases it.

So long answer to a short question...we're still on course, and I'm
still quite pleased with where we're going, and how we're getting there.
