I was going to make one last reply...

 Posted on 7/9/1995 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

I was going to make one last reply on this, until I saw the line, that
I'm "supporting the use of force to thward the dissemination of information."

Force? WHAT force? You keep quoting the dictionary, Stan, WHAT force?
Look it up. Has somebody come to your door, kicked it in, taken you to a
prison and attached electrodes to your genitalia and I wasn't informed?
Excuse me, Stan, but you have just passed into the totally ridiculous. Your
statement here is offensive to me and anyone who knows how writers have been
tortured and harrassed and killed in the process of their work. I have
donated literally *thousands* of dollars to PEN and other freedom of
speech/protection for writers organizations, people who in Latin American and
Eastern European countries know what *force* means.

No force was used of any kind, Stan. You're gibbering. You got your
little message deleted, you got hysterical, and you're blowing this out of all

I have nothing further to say to you.
