ATTN JMS: On conspiracy theori

 Posted on 6/14/1995 by to

A very good and well-reasoned analysis.


[Steven Orso's "Unified Field Theory of Conspiracies." The Shadows and Vorlons
are battling to control what their successors will be like; the Shadows want
to cull out weakness, and are behind all the conspiracies, which can all be
viewed as strong people edging out weak ones. The mind control in comic
issue #7 suggests that Takashima's participation in Sinclair's frameup in
"The Gathering" might not have been a conscious choice; she served on Mars,
where Garibaldi and Sinclair saw what they saw.]

Along with John Miller's examination, this has to be one of the
most well-thought-out analyses yet. I'd say that a lot of it holds
water. (One nice side-element...I noted a while back that the comics
were not necessary to follow the series, as anything there would be at
some point mentioned in the show if it were important; here, you've
used it correctly to presage and four-wall the series and deduce some
very good stuff.) Splendid work.


[The attack on the Narn outpost]