With all the inquires about video, I thought I'd inquire of WB. Much
to my astonishment, after I made my way through the complex web of studio
people, the person at the other end of the phone told me that apparently
there ARE no immediate plans to release the videos, because there is
concern that if they're available, it'll bring down ratings; also because
WB and the PTEN stations own the shows jointly, and some kind of complex
negotiations would have to take place to sell the show domestically. I
pointed out that the cassettes are for sale in the UK, and doing very well,
and that if WB wasn't going to air the first season for a long time, then
why not release THAT one cassette for now? No clear answer, but I've got
another name to speak with (upon his return from out of town), and we're
going to push for this from other directions. I'm sure we'll get it done,
but it may take a bit.
jm(perpetually astonished)s