I imagine that the odds of my continuing are pretty much the same
for options 2 through 4; option 1 will eventually cause a problem, I
think, the way things are going. While the group was of resaonable
size, it was easier to influence things; with the mammoth increase in
membership, and the increase in plot speculation, eventually the limit
on what I can afford to be exposed to will have to be hit.
[In reply to:
Holy Valen! So the warrior caste has been ticked off for 1,000 years. No
wonder they're so scary. They've held a grudge against Valen for that
long. Now all their scoffing at the prophecy and the religious caste
makes sense. Personally, I think these guys killed Dukhat to ruin
Valen's prophecy -- Revenge motivation (of course the humans could have
gotten VERY lucky and I'm wrong).
Delenn refuses to help the Children of Time because someone interfered
with Minbari religion and the results have caused her and her people to
avoid doing so to others. Valen is said to return.
So 1,000 years ago, how did Valen do his coming and going? I'm beginning
to seriously wonder is this Valen guy was a Minbari at all. Someone
subduing a violent caste sounds like manipulation. And those prophecies
do hint at more knowledge than the Minbari had at that time. Of course
he could be a Minbari with powerful friends so he could maintain control
and reign in the warrior caste AND set up the new Minbari government. Or
he could be powerful himself. Perhaps he had the help of three
triluminaries; I'm sure their powers, creatively applied, could go a long
Christopher Novosad]