Re: Yo Theron

 Posted on 3/14/1995 by to

Ah, and now we get down to it...Deborah threatens to let Warner Bros.
know what I'm saying here.

Folks, take a good luck. This is the repeated paradigm. Person X
starts smearing my reputation (or anyone in the public eye). Offers that
I (or other person) doesn't have a right to be upset because after all I'm
a well-known kinda guy, and thus sacrifice all rights to an opinion, or to
defend myself. They speculate about my veracity, my name, my identity,
my figures, my existence...that's okay...but when it's turned back on them,
they get huffy and start sending faxes to Warner Bros.

They can give, but they don't like it in return. Remember Ford
Thaxton, who saw no problem in impugning my reputation here? Guess who
started sending REAMS of faxes to WB, quoting my messages (and others
here) in some hope of "getting me" for talking back. And now young miss
Fuller threatens to do exactly the same thing.

She will harm me not in the slightest. The only possible result if
this continues is that eventually WB might say they're tired of the faxes,
and ask me to stop hanging out here. 'Cause as long as I *am* here, I'll
speak honestly, which is my responsibility.

jms (2:33 am)