Was out having dinner with Harlan...

 Posted on 3/14/1995 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

Was out having dinner with Harlan and Susan, so missed seeing Voyager,
thus can't comment.

(Reason we went out to dinner was that I spent the day at his house,
interviewing Harlan on-camera for a videotape associated with his new CD rom
game based on "I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream," coming out from Cyberdreams
in a few months. I don't think there's *any* group we didn't offend during
the course of the interview.)

Re: Harlan on-line...no, he doesn't generally go on-line (except in some
selected live conferences) but he does tend to get printups from folks from
time to time...said contents of which could drive a monk to murder.

BTW...for those also on AOL, tomorrow night I'm doing a live conference
with Claudia Christian in the DC Comics Online area.
