ATTN JMS: Your lucid dream...

 Posted on 2/12/1995 by to

Not that much going on, I'm afraid to say. Upper floor renovations
are about finished, and now they're doing some foundation work. A couple
of new stores opened downtown. Spent a couple of dreamtime nights over at
the local college, doing Q As about writing. Went past an accident on the
main road the other night, car half-in and half-out of the water. Folks
seemed okay.

That's about it.

(For those looking on, to explain...I know this is weird...but for as
long as I can remember, most of my dreams have taken place in the same
sort of dream town that's gradually built slowly over the years. I have
a house there, know where the stores are, the has no
correlation to anything real, it's all contemporaneous with the present,
and generally just a flip-side. Fairly dull, actually. I think the
reason my brain generated this was that we moved from house to house and
town to town every six months to a year when I was growing up, and this
is/was my brain's attempt to form solidity by *creating* a home town from
bits and pieces of the others. So at night, I leave *here* and go

Oh! Wait, we *did* have a bus strike recently, so that's at least
something interesting. Haven't heard how it turned out, though.
