Figure "In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum"...

 Posted on 12/29/1994 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

Figure "In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum" for about episode 19 (once I finish
writing the darned thing).

We have roughly 16-17 standing sets, and as many as 60 swing sets
available to us, the largest of any TV series that I know of. Just the number
of clubs/restaurants is amazing...the Eclipse Cafe, Earhart's, Happy Daze, the
Dark Star, the Fresh Air Restaurant, the banquet hall, Doug's Dugout Sports
Bar (seen in TKO), the smaller restaurant seen in "Eyes," the Zocalo Cafe, and
of course the mess hall.

Yes, we've seen the length of the central corridor several times now;
that you haven't noticed is the point, rather than seeing a painted backdrop,
which sticks out.

"Why should everyone stay on B5?" says G.Popovich. *Exactly*, says jms,
pointing to Sinclair. As to living and dying...I wouldn't be at all surprised
if something fatal happened to one or more of the characters in the main title
before too long....

What's great, from my POV, is that in the first season, folks could sense
there was *something* going on, but now with the second season, more are
starting to see the shape of it gliding just beneath the surface, and note
the occasional shark-fin rising up out of the water....
