B5 has no involvement with the Warners...

 Posted on 12/22/1994 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

B5 has no involvement with the Warners network.

K.Wicker...there's no sliding scale in TV scriptwriting; all writers are
paid the same, scale, though there's some variance between network scale and
syndication scale. A Baywatch script, a B5 script, a DS9 script...they're all
basically the same. And that fee is set by the Writer's Guild. You can't
spend more dollars on EFX, and then scrimp and pay cheap for scripts...it's
all the same fee. I get exactly the same script fee as any of my freelancers.
So when someone says of a show, "They can't afford to buy good scripts, they
spent it all on EFX," this is simply a misnomer. If a script is good or bad
is the function of the staff, pure and simple. If a script comes in and it's
weak, it's the job of the staff to make it better.
