I'm sorry, Lynda, but your friends...

 Posted on 11/11/1994 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

I'm sorry, Lynda, but your friends are pinheads who seem to have no
broader reference in their lives than Star Trek.

Boxleitner was not "doing" Kirk consciously or otherwise; he brings his
own natural speech qualities and movements to the character. The way he is as
Sheridan is very close to how he is in real life. Those are his natural
speech inflections, and his natural movements. I know, I've sat across from
him at lunch. That's just him.

You'll excuse me if I'm a bit cranky here, but I'm getting pretty damned
tired of people who, themselves unable to see past Star Trek, naturally assume
everybody else is trying to *do* Trek. I did not work seven years to get this
show on the air to "do" Trek, and Boxleiter has not worked to perfect his art
as a performer to suddenly "do" Shatner or Kirk. The problem here is in the
person doing the observation.

"I think the actor did it subconsciously, trying to get a feel for the
role." The role is not Kirk. So why would someone do someone who is NOT the
role in order to get a feeling FOR the role?

"...because I didn't notice any similarity to Kirk in episode two."
Because there IS no similarity in EITHER episode, or in the performance.

I'm sorry to be angry about this, but I've heard this from people again
and again whose frame of reference extends no further than Star Trek, and they
make it OUR fault that THEY can't get beyond their own narrow frame of
rerence, and you'll excuse me if I'm getting a bit tired of it. Looking at
Boxleitner's performance, which is NOTHING like Shatner, to see him get gigged
on THIS of all things is pathetic and laughable. Like or don't like his
performance, fine, but does anyone even VAGUELY think that this guy is
sacrificing his chance to create his on character in order to "do" Kirk?
C'mon, that's fanboy thinking of the lowest order, and frankly deserves
nothing more than contempt and ridicule.
