As noted elsewhere...we have previously...

 Posted on 11/4/1994 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

As noted elsewhere...we have previously established that the Dome is
periodically on Standby Mode, when the system is performing autmoated
(automated) backups, routine maintenance, that sort of thing. It was in
"Midnight," when Garibaldi informs Ivanova that that's where he likes to go,
when it's on standby, and is quiet. It was in "Sky," when Ivanova asks Tech 1
if there are any more ships due in for a while, is told no, and she puts her
feet up on the console, nobody else around.

Also, B5 tends to run on human cycles of day and night, something we try
to reflect in the sets and effects, showing the Garden bright during day
times, and dark during night stuff (as around dinner time in the Fresh Air
Restaurant). Maintaining such cycles has been found to be critical in these
kinds of environments.

The standby mode only happens every 36-48 hours, for about an hour.
Most departments also have their own control areas, using C&C mainly when
command personnel are required. In addition, there are folks monitoring C&C,
and if anything *should* happen, someone could be there within seconds.
