Re: Crusade - Racing the Night

 Posted on 4/13/2001 by to

Just for the curious, on the topic of ratings for Crusade....

Going to SFC, the show (which doesn't have the visibility of B5 by name) would
be doing well if it did around a .7 or so in the ratings.

The opening episode did a 1.1, and the second night got a .9, both far and
above what was anticipated...and significantly, as season openers go, "Racing
the Night" (my original pilot/opener) built in audience whereas "War Zone" (the
one TNT commissioned) decreased in audience on their respective opening nights.

It's nice to be right once in a while....


(all message content (c) 2001 by synthetic worlds, ltd.,
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine
and don't send me story ideas)