ATTN: JMS--"Seconds

 Posted on 4/27/2000 by to

>You made it known how much you regard the film "Seconds." [I
>particularly like the work of John Robinson (one of my favorite
>under-rated actors), Murray Hamilton, and Will Geer (who gave me
>chills in the small of my back). And I've sometimes wondered if Jeff
>Corey's work may have been part of what commended him to you
>for "Za- Ha- Dum.")]

That, plus his other body of work, which is substantial. He's also served as
an acting coach for many people I know. I have a great deal of respect for
him, especially given how unfairly he was blown out of work in the days of the

>Any reaction on plans to remake the film?

They won't get it right. They never do, in these remakes. The Haunting remake
was an utter disaster that failed because it had NO understanding of what made
the original film a success: the mystery of what you DON'T see.

They should just leave it alone.


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