>Can you explain a bit about how rights work? I understand that WB owns
>5 and Crusade. Does this mean that you actually have to get their permission
>whenever you want to write something in those universes?
>Or can/did you reserve
>those rights at the time you sold it to them?
Nope. Studios own series whole hog.
>What about the other authors who
>write the B5 novels or short stories?
Those are done under the purview of a license between the publisher and WB.
>And how do licenses fit in? Specifically regarding the B5 Magazine.
Company X pays WB Y dollars to use the B5 images/likenesses/material in a
product (magazine, book, toy, whatever) for Z years.
B5 Official Fan Club at:
(all message content (c) 2000 by
synthetic worlds, ltd., permission
to reprint specifically denied to
SFX Magazine)