Using snips and quotes

 Posted on 11/5/1998 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Janetch <> asks:
> How is this accomplished?
> Is there some giant archive somewhere where people can type in
> key words and get a list of movies where that word/phrase is
> used? Are there experts who just know all this stuff?

"How is this accomplished? Is there some giant archive somewhere where
people can type in key words and get a list of movies where that
word/phrase is used? Are there experts who just know all this stuff? It
seems like finding a character saying exactly the right sentence out of
the thousands of movies in existence would be a difficult and laborious

No, none that I'm aware of. You just happen to know something,
and if you can license that snip, you acquire the rights to use it.
The DD stuff was just stuff that I knew 'cause I'm a cartoon nut.
