Re: Hubris in "Deconstruction"... Minor Spoilers

 Posted on 11/5/1997 by to

>I find it disheartening that JMS would go to the trouble and expense of
>removing her bit from the intro (and not, for instance, Jason Carter's.)
>Yeah, so I'll learn to live without her on B5, but I LOVED her character and
>am stung by this obvious slap.

Here's another lesson: ask questions before making assumptions.

As I've noted elsewhere, WB called us 3 days before we were to uplink the
episode and informed us that if we kept CC's credit in place on that episode,
since she also appears in S5's final episode, it would trigger a substantial
payment. Jason we could leave in because he's not in Sleeping in Light,
whereas she was.

It wasn't our choice, and it had nothing to do with anything other than the
fact that she's also in SiL. If you'd prefer, I could've cut her out of that
one, and we could've had her credit in Deconstruction, but I doubt that's a
solution either of us would approve of.
