<<DFS>> -Crusades?

 Posted on 11/4/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com> to CIS

Craig M. Bobchin <102354.3246@compuserve.com> asks:
> My question, in light of the events of DoFS, is, isn't the climax
> of Crusade a foregone conclusion? I mean won't knowing how it will
> end ruin the suspense for people? But are there that many people
> who would feel the same?

I don't think it's anticlimatic at all; putting on our logic
hats for the moment, do you really think that I intend to wipe out all
of humanity and decimate the earth in Crusade? No. In any show, this
is going to be a given, the question is how do you *get* there? The
premise exists to push us out on a mission...it's what happens in
pursuit of that mission that's going to be especially interesting.

As with Londo/G'Kar, you saw them strangling each other...but it
was in the learning of *how* and *why* this happened that the fun
