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Exactly (and thanks). A few people have interpreted the final
card as "meanspirited" (when it's on one level a reaction *to* five
years of constant carping and meanspiritedness from lots of sectors,
from the nets to the press and elsewhere)...but what it is, is a
statement of hope. That whenever you try something different, there
are going to be naysayers, and people who say it can't be done, and
certainly can't be done by *you*.
It ain't just B5, it's any dream out there.
And in the end, they are wrong.
Faith manages.
That's the message of the card.
That, and the truth that in 10 years the naysayers will be
forgotten, and made irrelevant...but the show, the *show*...goes on.
And will be around long after they and I have gone to dust. And all
people will know when they see that card, 50 years from now, was that
some jerks said it couldn't be done, and they were wrong, because they
are *always* wrong. If you have the dream, the ability and the
passion, you can bring your dreams to life despite overwhelming
opposition. That's the message.
But for those on the other side, they will never see anything
other than meanspiritedness because that's all they can *ever*
see...because that's all they can bring to the table.
There's an old saying about books, which I'll rephrase to
include B5: Babylon 5 is like a book, and a book is like a mirror: if
an ass peers in, you can't exactly expect an apostle to peer out.