Re: ATTN JMS: Writing and Music

 Posted on 9/16/1997 by to

>When I sit down to write, I tend to pick out a CD and set
>it to loop only noticing hours later that I'd heard it 7 or 8 times in a
>row (which drive my wife nuts). Are you also a victim of the writing

What an interesting question....

There's this thing called "state related learning," which means that if
you learn something while, say, in a given room, or under certain specific
conditions, you will be able to remember it better in that same condition
or state.

When I'm writing, often I'll find or stumble upon a CD that puts me in the
right state of mind to work on it...and when I go in the next day, or a few
hours later, that one will be the one I fire up, to get me going. So it
may play a lot over the course of a number of days. It ain't *all* I
listen to, though I do sometimes listen to it sequentially, I can't listen
to just one thing endlessly, but it does get played a lot.

That's the first time I've been asked that question. It's rare when I
find a new one. Thanks.
