Claudia sez this..

 Posted on 7/20/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Alan L. Ravitch <> asks:
> Ask yourself this: why would I have done the TNT promos for the
> 5th season if I did not want to be involved? This fax was received
> on Friday, so what kind of game was being played by giving me
> false hopes throughout the weekend in England?

1) This confirms what I said in my note to Brian, that I
personally assured Claudia of the chance for time off (so Kevin, bugger

2) Neither I nor anyone else in B5 told her that she had until
Monday. I sat with her Midnight Thursday and said she had to talk to
her agent and get this to WB *the very next day*, Friday, or that was
it. Jeff took it upon himself to try and talk Claudia into trying to
work it out on Monday, out of his concern and a hope that this could be

3) Her agent was notified several days prior to the deadline
that it was in place by WB business affairs.

4) As noted in my other message, there wasn't time to sit down
leisurely after Blackpool and discuss this. The first script had to be
in on July 6th. The second on July 12th. The third one on July 18th.
Those are the hard and fast deadlines in order to meet production
requirements for season 5. It is not July 20th. By the time anyone
could "sit down" we'd be deep into episode 5 or 6, and then what do we
do? Rewrite all 5 or 6 at the last minute?

It's an unfortunate situation. Nobody's denying that. But what
happened, happened.
