City of Sorrows

 Posted on 6/21/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

T.P. Chai <> asks:
> In the scene of William's death, the part where it begins "Where
> is the shuttle craft? Please tell me again how much you were
> involved with the story line; did you just say "let's do a story
> with Sinclair on Minbar" and Kathryn came up with all the
> threads?

I gave Kathryn a bare-bones stucture on the Marcus thing -- the
death of his brother, his trip first to B5 and then to Minbar -- but
she took on the rest on her own. The process was pretty much as I
describe it in the intro, asking what X meant, how A related to B, and
then her pulling all the threads together in a story that filled in all
the blanks. The credit is entirely hers on this. I consulted and
read, but she did all the creative work on this.
