Re: ATTN JMS: lunchtime on the set

 Posted on 6/7/1997 by to

Lunchtime is one of the best times on set. We have a large area set up
outside the back of the stage, a big picnic tent sort of arrangement, in
the open air, and the food is brought in, and it's kind of like a big
family picnic 5 times a week. A lot of goofing around, laughter, hanging
out and BSing, big political arguments usually involving me (moderate to
left), Jerry (slightly to the right of Atilla the Hun) and Jason (acting
representative from Mars). In the case of massive applied prosthetics,
they stay on because it would take too long to reaply them, and in general
they're not hard to work around; the background aliens just pop off their

Curiously...and I consider this something of a psychological or
sociological study, albeit very lunchtime *almost
invariabley* the Narn extras sit with the other Narn extras, Centauri sit
with Centauri, Earth troops with Earth's interesting to see
how fast this sort of thing happens.
