Decendents of Valen

 Posted on 3/8/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Kirk R. Darling <> asks:
> What would be the social status of a Minbari who was known to be
> a descendent of Valen? What does that mean in terms of the racial
> purity issue? Would general knowledge of Delenn as a descendent of
> Valen help her or hurt her on the Gray Council (racial impurity
> versus descendency from the One)? Did the other members of the
> Gray Council understand the significance of the glowing
> Triluminary (yes, I saw the astonishment on their faces, but that
> might only have been surprise at the phenomenom)? Was Dukhat a
> descendent of Valen? Is it now known among at least the Gray
> Council that Valen was Sinclair?

No, Dukhat was not descended from Valen; yes, the Grey Council
now knows who Sinclair was; and general knowledge of what happened
would certainly have an upsetting effect on Minbari society, so they
will continue to keep it indefinitely back-roomed....
