Official: No year 5

 Posted on 2/26/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Colin Knowles <> asks:
> Isn't this pretty much completely against what you've intended
> from day one about B5? Also, could you give us any tantilizing
> hints about "Babylon 5: In the Beginning"?

Re: "programming franchises"...I agree. I went and yelled on
Doug today, because this came out of the offices of the financial guys
in his company, and their only goal is to make everything big and
productive sounding for their stockholders, and that's the kind of
language they love. I didn't even see the thing until I logged on
today...and created several new orifices for him in the area of "these
things never go out unless I see them first!" Financial people and
creative people have different concerns and different priorities.
(Which is why there were no quotes from me in this, I didn't know it
was going out.)

So people have been yelled at on this one.
