Oh, Joe . . .

 Posted on 12/17/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com> to CIS

Carl Cantarella <105030.3700@compuserve.com> asks:
> The question that come up as a result of this, at least in my
> mind anyway, are; was she able too, and was he asking too much of
> her under the circumstances, and should he have at least given
> her some time before expecting an answer? In essence, what I guess
> I'm asking in a nutshell is, was he expecting too much of her?
> After all, what if she didn't refuse because of what he had just
> told her? Could she have lacked the courage at such a vulnerable
> moment, thereby putting her needs on the back burner for what he
> wanted? Even if that's indeed what happened, it still constitutes
> love, but was it fair of him to put her in that position? Thus,
> the question naturally therefore arises from this is, was he
> thinking more of her at that moment, or of himself and what he
> wanted?

Well, I think it's better for someone to know that first, then
find out about it later. "Oh, good, we're going to spend the rest of
our lives together...oh, by the way, now that you've committed, you
should know...."

Uh, uh.
