B5 Story Arc

 Posted on 5/15/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com> to CIS

Meryl Yourish <103470.2703@compuserve.com> asks:
> In "Infection," I was thinking, "Gee, what's this got to do with
> anything?" 1) Will we see Ironheart again?
> 2) Are Sinclair and Delenn married?
> 3) Will we see the ship or beings that Catherine saw on Sigma 957
> again? 4) Whatever happened to the insect-like being from Down
> Below?

Thanks. I've actually heard similar from others who've gone
back and done the same thing...including some who, as you did, were
kinda "Oh, yeah?" for the first part. But as long as someone's willing
to go back and look at what's there with an open mind, I don't have any
complaints, and no apologies are ever required.

SF fans have so often been disappointed by shows that it's
natural after a while to have "a chip on one's shoulder," as you
say...I think it's based on a desire to defend oneself, to not get
sucked in One More Time. It's understandable.

To your questions: no plans for Ironheart at this time,
omnipotent beings running around my universe make me nervous...Sinclair
and Delenn aren't married, it was stated as a *rebirth ceremony* which
CAN sometimes double as a marriage ceremony, the rebirth being Delenn's
upcoming change... she became more "passive," more insecure, after her
change; that began to turn around after her encounter with Mr.
Sebastian...and we saw the Sigma 957 ship again in "Voices of

Beyond that...thanks for the great words. They help. Pulling
this show off is a tough job, harder than I think anyone knows, or ever
will know, or ever *should* know, since that's irrelevant to what's on
the screen.
