Things are okay here, seem to be...

 Posted on 5/1/1992 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

Things are okay here, seem to be quieting down. The amazing thing was
going into the Universal backlot, way at the top of the hill, and looking out
over the LA basin...and seeing a wall of black smoke. When I saw it, lining
the horizon as far as the eye could see, like some terrible black shroud, the
only thing I could think was, "Mordor."

That, and "Okay, who brought the marshmallows?"

( about a Tolkienesque detective series...a wizened old P.I. and
his short companion..."Mordor, She Wrote.")

I'm now going to run very far and very fast, before the bricks and mordor-
shells start coming in...and if you're all *very* good, I'll tell you about
Ambassador Jackarr tonight or tomorrow....
