Re: JMS Top Secret Projects??? FROM JMS

 Posted on 1/12/2001 by to

>You know what you don't share much though? The joys. Granted that writing
>What You Do, you still seem to downplay your justifiable pride in your
>accomplishments and awards.

I don't know if it's a function of being of Eastern European extraction (or
distraction), but I guess I just never much dwell on those things. My brain is
always on the next challenge or the current problem.

When I'm waiting for a show to go, for instance, I'm worried...when the show
goes, I worry if we'll do it right...while we're doing it, I worry if we're
doing all we can...when we're done, I worry if we'll get a chance to do it

And for all my posturing here, I'm actually both fairly private and kinda
modest in a weird sort of way...going on about accomplishments and awards
seems, I don't know, immodest or something. Too much "Hey, looka what *I*

>So what are you proudest of? What are the great moments in your career when
>you felt that you'd *really* accomplished something?

I got a letter once from a fan who told me that her friend had died of
aids...and that while he was fighting it, he'd had her transfer all of G'Kar's
speeches to audio tape...the real stem-winders, about refusing to surrender,
and the necessity of hope. He listened to them, every day, to help keep
going...and was listening to the tape the night he finally passed away.

One cannot hear that and remain unmoved, or fail to appreciate that the work
has Mattered.


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synthetic worlds, ltd., permission
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SFX Magazine)