
 Posted on 6/17/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Bruce "Firestorm" S. <> asks:
> What made you change your mind on the sequel now that you're
> pushing for a sequel about the Rangers?

"As I recall, previously, you said that you wouldn't do any Babylon 5
sequels and that you would go to other projects like writing novels &
etc. What made you change your mind on the sequel now that you're
pushing for a sequel about the Rangers?"

Nope. I said that the B5 story per se ended in 5 years. I have
also said, *from the very start*, as the old timers here, and at
conventions, will testify, that there was always a side-story that
could go off and be a different novel set in the same universe. So
you'll understand why I can't really defend a statement that I never
