From jms re: yr 4/5

 Posted on 1/16/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Sue Wachowski <> asks:
> Isn't it also a question of how TV views its audience?
> What IQ do they assume we all have?
> What grade level reading do we understand?
> I guess that's not fair, but how mindless do we want our
> entertainment to be? Also, what about the TV executives that have
> to like a show first? Are executives changing?
> Are their attitudes toward what they like swinging towards TV of
> a higher level? So, are there things you would change about B5,
> knowing how it's done? Is it more like, those who grew up on good
> SF Literature are now in a position to influence the creation of
> today's SF shows and movies?

Yes, more writers and folks at the studio/network levels do know
a little from SF, but not as much as should be. I think that will
continue to change with time. Now that B5 has broken the strangle hold
of "no other SF than Star Trek has ever been profitable on TV," I think
maybe it'll have a positive effect.

RE: how the networks view viewers...lemme quote something to you
a suit at one of the networks said: "Our sense is that most of the
viewers with money or an education have cable, VCRs, laserdisks, and
they watch those instead of the networks. Our programming more and
more will have to turn to those who don't have any real education or
money for other programming options."
