Keffer and Corwin

 Posted on 5/24/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

(blocked) asks:
> I meant is he just another "unimportant" character that's going
> to get killed off in the end?

But see, not every story has to be about the Important People.
We've got that in our nominal "heroes." What tends to get omitted from
SF are the grunts and the blue collar guys, the pilots who have to fly
the missions called on by the Big Guys. To say "are they important"
is, I think, really a question that proceeds from a skewed perspective.
Are *you* important to the overall arc of this nation, the history of
this country? Am I? Probably not; I'll never sign a constitution or
discover radium or walk on the moon, I just write stories for phosphor
dot screens; can there be anything more ephemeral? But the
repercussions of history are written on the faces and the lives of
those who *can't* change it, who have to live with the decisions made
by those above. Showing those people is as valid as anything else.

It ain't just the heroes that make the future, Edwin. It's the
carpenters and the plumbers and the dockworkers we showed in the first
season. Now, you may think they're unimportant. I don't.
