Some thots on <<WWE2>>

 Posted on 5/24/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Brian P. Delaney <> asks:
> If 1 in 10000?
> telepaths could move a penny and she was "upgraded" so far that
> she could EMBED one into a wall I think you had big plans for her
> that didn't work out??

The Talia situation likely could've been finessed more smoothly
than it was, no mistake. Sometimes there are going to be ragged spots.
It's going to happen.

Here's the best comparison to what my position is with this
show: Harlan Ellison has, on occasion, done this routine where he'll go
into a bookstore and write a story in full view of everyone. As each
page is finished, it's taped to the wall unti it's done. This is
considered a pretty nifty trick, sustained over maybe 15-20 pages.

That's pretty much what I'm doing here. It's an ongoing story.
I can't go back, I can only go forward. As each page (episode) is
finished, it's put up on the wall, and I have to go on to the next one.
So far I've written 2,400 pages on that wall. Again, I can't go back
and change anything, and if there's a bump caused by a real world
incident, it simply has to be accommodated as best I can while still
going where I have to go.

From time to time, there's going to be a misstroke on the
keyboard, or there's going to be a typo that I'll miss. That's
inevitable when you're out performing in front of a massive crowd on
the high wire without a net. As long as the totality of it all hangs
together, as long as the story is told, the trick finally done...then
that's what fundamentally matters.

That this happens on occasion should be obvious; that it happens
as rarely as it does is the point of wonderment, I think. Remember,
it's all trial and error, because no one's ever done this before. And
right about now I understand why. But we're making it work.
