<I&E> Moved

 Posted on 5/16/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com> to CIS

John M. Kahane <102664.773@compuserve.com> asks:
> Any reasons why you didn't do the scene that way (or was this a
> budgetary constraint?) ?

I thought about that long and hard when writing the script, and
I finally came to the conclusion that there was literally *nothing* we
could show that wouldn't be disappointing...it's a conflict on another
whole plane, and should have an almost cosmic or ethereal feel to it.
If we showed Kosh shooting a defensive field, or a shadow opening his
suit with a can opener, or anything else obvious and physical, it
would've diminished the scene. The vorlons are mythic, indirect, you
see them out of the corner of your eye, so it fit that the proper
metaphor would be to handle the battle that way.

Even if we'd had ten million bucks to do that sequence...I
would've made the same choice.
