<War Without End, Pt 1>

 Posted on 5/15/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com> to CIS

(blocked) asks:
> - Isn't Delenn's sleeve different from the one shown in "Babylon
> Squared"?
> - Why wasn't B5 destroyed?
> Is it because the shadows knew they failed with B4 and so there
> was no use in destroying B5?
> - Did the first three stations look similar to B4?
> - Why didn't Sinclair want Garibaldi along for the ride?
> - Is *Sheridan* The One?

B5 wasn't destroyed because it wasn't the one that would be
taken back. Yes, the prior stations would've looked more like B4 but
they were sabotaged *very* early in the construction process. You'll
learn why he didn't want Garibaldi along next ep.
