Joe an atheist?

 Posted on 5/11/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Daniel M. Upton <> asks:
> On another matter, are scripts from already produced episodes of
> B5 available commercially from any source?

Daniel, you're on a slippery slide into sophistry. Of *course*
one can make a blanket statement about some things. Many things, in
fact. I can declare, in no uncertain terms, that there are in fact no
Minbari. They are a fictional creation. So right off the bat that
negates your thesis.

And, again, you miss the point...the statement is not "X does
not exist," that's the usual argument brought out to try and make
someone prove a negative, which is nearly impossible. I repeat: the
burden of proof is NOT on the person saying "show me," the burden of
proof is on the person making the assertion. You say there's a god.
Show me objective, scientifically verifiable, quantifiable, repicable
evidence of same. Otherwise, I can say that there is no evidence in
it, therefore I don't believe it.
