Deja Vu

 Posted on 3/3/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Cherns Major <> asks:
> Just out of curiosity, what would be the general time, from story
> inception to broadcast, of a typical 1-hr sf show? So is there a
> rule-of-thumb length of time during which we can assume that plot
> similarities could be attributable to coincidence rather than,
> er, "homage" (to put a nicer face on it than it deserves)? Or is
> script security in the industry so lax that the question is
> irrelevant?

Well, there are a number of factors going into this, including
that as we develop threads over time, they become apparent outside even
before the script appears (as noted by some who've anticipated some
revelations here, in broad strokes).

One other element is that B5 is only able to do what we do on
budget because we prepare a LONG time in advance. We have scripts on
the deck, ready to shoot, 4-6 weeks sometimes before we roll film.
During that time, scripts circulate to agents and others as casting and
other production elements start moving. In many TV shows, the script
often doesn't land on the stage floor until a few days before some cases, pages are still landing *as* they're filming.

Once an episode is filmed, a 7 day process, it takes 52 days of
post production before it's ready to air.
