Story Arc

 Posted on 12/12/1995 by Jms at B5 to AOL

{Too many filler episodes.}

I just posted a lengthy reply to this basic thread over in the Season 3
topic (which is where I first encountered it). That says pretty much
everything I wanted to say on the issue.

This happens every season. Some people like shoot-em'ups and don't want
to see any other stories, deriding them as "filler" and let's get to the
blow-stuff-up stuff. They seem to think that anything else is "lead" which
has to be gotten out. Every season begins with standalone stories, from year
one to now. Year two has The Long Dark and A Distant Star and Soul Mates in
the first batch up. Then we hit the big arc stories, and everybody forgot
about the "lead."

In season one, we had six or seven strong arc stories. In season two,
there were about 9 really strong arc episodes. In season 3, as of right now,
there are 13-14 very strong arc episodes. In year 4, there will be about 17,
and in year 5 they're pretty much ALL arc episodes.

The series is moving as fast as possible, and as fast as intended.
