Posted on 12/7/1995 by Jms at B5 to AOL

{Don't let the Usenet folks annoy you.}

Thanks. If it were just me, I could try to ignore some of the
nonsense; but the problem was that it soon involved vast numbers of other
people, who were being flamed or driven off the system, and every thread was
contaminated by it. A number of folks came to hang out at rastb5 because I
was there, as many of them have stated since; that wasn't/isn't the only
draw, theres' lots of good conversation, but that was a my
being there put people in the position of being available to be attacked,
derided, flamed, insulted and assaulted, and I can't allow that to happen.
And it began to have an impact on my writing, and that I *definitely* can't

One way or another, that particular chapter in the experiment will find
a way to continue, in the fullness of time. I'm a patient man.
